The Best Reasons To Stop Dating Losers


If you happen to be in loving relationship, or your loved one happens to be that one in a million lottery ticket ideal person for you, or Emeli Sandé’s Next To Me is on your favorite list this is not for you. However, if you happen to be dating a loser, and you know they are a loser because we can all recognize a loser when we see one, we just have to step back and take a good look, this is a list for you.


Here is The Best Reasons To Stop Dating Losers:

You will be able to listen to your own music and thoughts again.

You will save half of your money because you’ll stop paying for two.

You will get better sleep now that you will no longer receive his 2 am bootie call on your phone.

You will get better sleep now that you will no longer hear his mistress’s calls ringing at 2 am on his phone.

Her shoes, lingerie size will be another poor sucker’s problem. Let her suck on his bank account for a while. You will also be able to stop explaining to your accountant about “your” Brazilian wax tax expenses.

You’ll no longer need to explain how Johnny couldn’t make it this wedding because he got held up in a meeting, again, on a Sunday, again, while he is sleeping on the couch, again, unwilling to take an interest in anything that has to do with you, again.

You will never have to hear his one thousand and seven stupid dumbass ideas that end up going nowhere.

You will never have to hear her bitch and moan about how everyone else got it better than her.

You’ll stop being ignored by an idiot and his more important life that exists on his cellphone.

You’ll be able to expand your TV experience beyond their Sport or Food Channels.

You will stop having to buy heavy-duty make-up, and now you can finally stop bumping into the door.

You can finally expand your daily routine from sitting in front of the TV and watching their crap, to going out and experiencing life through art exhibits, fine dining, or any other experience you would like to engage, but couldn’t have because of the latest episode of…

You get stop having to explain every time what an act or random kindness is.

You can stop being sad when he “forgets” to call you to wish you Happy Birthday, while he’s away with HIS lover.

Your wallet will finally stop being possessed by the spirit of Houdini, since your money will stop having the magic power to mysteriously vanishing from it.

So, tonight think twice about calling that idiot. The Best Reasons to stop dating that loser is that now that you are loser free, you can throw yourself a party. You deserve so much better in life and there is no place to go from the bottom, but up.

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